How to compile Sauerbraten for Windows
Jun 24, 2017 •
RaZgRiZ (tutorials) • source-code
CodeBlocks download get the version without minGW
TDM64-GCC download install wherever you prefer
once both are installed, you'll want to open up codeblocks so we can configure the compiler
on the menu bar up top, select Settings > Compiler
GNU GCC should be set as the default, and it's what we'll be using in general as far as cube 2 projects go
Now on the tabs right below, switch to "Toolchain executables"
You'll want to set the path first and foremost where you installed tdm-gcc to. Auto detect should pick it up but if not, put it in manually.
for example "C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\TDM-GCC-64"
Next, you'll want the following things in the fields below:
Next, switch to the "Build options" tab, and set the number of cores your CPU has in "number of processes for parallel builds"
got an i5? that's a 4. got an i7? that's an 8.
lastly, switch to the "Other settings" tab on the right.
set Compiler logging to Task description to avoid spam (optional)
confirm changes and you're all set.
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